28 Feb 2012


Tak jak obiecywałam mam pewną niespodziankę:) Postanowiłam przeprowadzić mini wywiady z moimi ulubionymi bloggerkami, które będziecie mogli przeczytać w postach 'meet your favourite bloger'. Zaczynam od Catariny z Restless Bones :) Wywiad jest w języku angielskim:
As I promised some time I have some surprise for you guys :) I decided to do interviews with my favourite bloggers, which you will be able to read in 'meet your favourite blogger' section. 
I am starting with Catarina from Restless Bones :)

-What was the reason you started writing a blog? 
Honestly I don't know the real reason that make me start, but I do know that one of the reasons was the portuguese blogosphere. It's still really small and their is no difference between bloggers. And of course because I wanted to start giving the first steps to my professional future.

- Have you always been interested in fashion and art or it has come with time?
I always was about fashion and art, and was that kind of epic story about a girl in a small town who always was dreamed about something bigger than she.

- What , in your opinion, are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of writing a blog? 
I think when you do it for fun and for love there is no disadvantages, for me they're like "things-attached-to-what-I-love". It's obvious that are so much good things like be recognized for your work, the doors that it open, and course your followers and nice comments. The bad things i can't remember, I waked up 10 minutes ago my brain isn't available to think.

- Could you please describe your style?
 Like describe your style it's a question that doesn't have an assertive  answer. My style it's about integrity, it's about what I'm and what I want to be, it's about determination to be you and not be affected for the overdose of other things, and of course for genius persons and aesthetics that are constantly changing and make you fall in love with your eyes wide open.

- Do you have any fashion authorities or people whos style you admire?
 I don't have someone who make me think I wanna be like her, but I admire some persons because of the things they rich, they branding, the personal aesthetic they build and their integrity to themselves. People as Kate Lamphear, Grace Conddington, Mr. Van Noten, Raf Simons, Katie Shillingford and i can risk and say Daphne Guiness. They are all people that make what they love, doesn't lose their values and passions because superficial things and are really themselves.

- Who are your favorite designers? 
My favorite designers aren't those who make clothes who totally fits on my wardrobe. Oh they actually do...They're people who I love because of what they make, their personalities and way to see life. My favorite ones are Alexander Wang, Phoebe Phillo, Jonny Johansson and Raf.

- Could you tell us something about your school/ fashion course? 
I ended my course at School of Fashion of Oporto, as a Coordination and Production of Fashion, and I'm going to Uni here in London to take a degree in Creative Direction for Fashion.

- Since you are very young, I must ask at what age did you start writing your blog?
 I started my blog at 16 I think, it always was about fun and love but I changed so much in everything since that time, I was the girl who wanted to be cool now I just want to be me.

- What are your plans for future (if only you can share them with us) , which job would you like to start? 
My plans for future are very defined already, but it never goes the way you want to goes. I wanna have my own magazine, or work as a creative director for one. I would love to work for Metal, Dazed, Love, Grey or Used magazine, they are a lot but if I need to start in something more commercial it would be for Elle Us or Uk. They are the ones who always make me spend hours just reading and loving the editorials, the ones that one day I would love to read my name on it.

Thank you very much Catarina once again, and all I can say may all your wishes come true!
